Latest Episodes
A Scandalous Surrender | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 45
Big Idea: Surrendering to Jesus is worth whatever sacrifice it may cost. How to respond to the true worth of Jesus Make Jesus the highest value that shapes everythin...

No One Knows the Day or the Hour | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 44
Do you live your life like Jesus is coming back? Big idea: What you believe about the future will have a dramatic impact on how you live now. The Lesson from the Fi...

A Rhythm of Missional Living | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 4
Grace’s mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere. Big idea: A rhythm of missional living will move your faith from boring ...

A Rhythm of Discipling Relationships | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 3
You are in the disciple-making business. Big Idea – A rhythm of discipling relationships is the main path to bearing spiritual fruit. A Disciple-Making Model (2 Tim...

A Rhythm of Prayer | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 2
Big Idea: A rhythm of prayer properly positions you to move through life on God’s agenda. 3 Ways the Lord’s Prayer Postures you to Move Through Life on God’s Agend...