All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 130 in total

Why People Abandon Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 49

Big idea: It’s worth it to stick with Jesus    3 Lessons from Gethsemane When you lose sight of Jesus’ glory, you’ll start seeking a savior in personal gain. When you ...

Jesus’ Model of Suffering and Strength | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 48

Big idea: Under pressure to abandon God, Jesus is both our model and our strength.   Lessons from Two Gardens: What is Revealed Under Pressure.   Pressure reveals your...

The Importance of the Lord’s Supper | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 47

Big Idea: There’s a place for you at the Lord’s table.   Four Historical Views  Transubstantiation (Catholic View).  Consubstantiation (Lutheran View).  Mystical Prese...

Unexpected Preparations | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 46

Big Idea: Jesus always prepares His people.  Jesus demonstrated to His disciples that He was in total control of the situation (Mark 14:12-16) and knew exactly what wo...

A Scandalous Surrender | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 45

Big Idea: Surrendering to Jesus is worth whatever sacrifice it may cost.   How to respond to the true worth of Jesus Make Jesus the highest value that shapes everythin...

No One Knows the Day or the Hour | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 44

Do you live your life like Jesus is coming back?   Big idea: What you believe about the future will have a dramatic impact on how you live now.  The Lesson from the Fi...

A Rhythm of Missional Living | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 4

Grace’s mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere.   Big idea: A rhythm of missional living will move your faith from boring ...

A Rhythm of Discipling Relationships | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 3

You are in the disciple-making business.  Big Idea – A rhythm of discipling relationships is the main path to bearing spiritual fruit.   A Disciple-Making Model (2 Tim...

A Rhythm of Prayer | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 2

Big Idea: A rhythm of prayer properly positions you to move through life on God’s agenda.     3 Ways the Lord’s Prayer Postures you to Move Through Life on God’s Agend...

A Rhythm of Scripture Reflection | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 1

Let’s declare 2025 the year that we don’t settle for a mediocre faith!  Big idea: A rhythm of scripture reflection helps you choose a wise life instead of a wicked one...

Tribulation and Second Coming | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 43

Big Idea: A painful path in this life leads to our glorious future in the next.    The Great Tribulation = a time of outpouring of God’s wrath on all the earth that wi...

Signs of the Times | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 42

Big Idea: When the world goes crazy, be ready with the gospel.  Context: Herod’s Temple  Living in the Birth Pains: Watchful (Mark 13:5-8) Withstanding (Mark 13:9, 11-...

Don’t be Fooled by Appearances | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 41

Big Idea: Appearances are deceptive, trade your self-promotion for self-sacrifice.   3 Surprising Lessons from the Story of the Widow’s Mite  Jesus is the ultimate pro...

Is there Marriage in Heaven? | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 39

Big Idea: Jesus will always dig beneath the surface to address the hear issues.3 Realities of an Unhealthy Heart.1. Unhealthy hearts will hinder a clear understanding....

God and Government | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 38

In this thought-provoking message titled 'God or Government,' Derek dives into the nuanced relationship between faith and civic duty. With the backdrop of an impending...

Questioning Jesus' Authority | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 37

Big Idea: Your response to authority reveals what’s deep in your heart.    Background/Context: 1. God is Provider  Mirror moment 2. Provision Comes with Responsibility...

Jesus and the Bills Mafia | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 36

Historical context | Biblical context | Literary context.  1. The Fig Tree #1.   Big Idea: The true test of discipleship is not looking good on the outside; it’s beari...

When He’s Not the King You Thought He Was | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 35

Big Idea: How will you respond when Jesus says, “I’m not the king you thought I was?”   Context on Jerusalem and about Kingdoms.   “The Kingdom of God” = the rule and ...

I Once Was | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 34

Big Idea: Your life depends on seeing Jesus clearly. 4 Ways of Seeing Clearly: See Jesus as Messiah (:47-48) See Jesus as the only Hope (:47-52) See Jesus as the Way (...

The Humility of the Ransomed | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 33

Big idea: As your awareness of Christ’s ransom increases, so does your humility.   Discipleship Failure theme: Ask “What is holding me back from looking more like Jesu...

When Riches Rob You of Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus Way | Week 32

Big idea: What do you need to leave behind in order to follow Christ?   A man and his question (:17).  Jesus and his response (:18-20) A Line-in-the-Sand Challenge (:2...

A Regional Reach | Awake the Lake | Week 4

Big Idea: God has entrusted Grace with great influence, will we be faithful?    3 Choices of Those Who are Faithful Choose urgency over apathy (:16-19)  Choose risk-ta...

A Clear Calling | Awake the Lake | Week 3

Big Idea: God has entrusted you with a unique calling, will you discover it?   Three Unique Truths about Your Unique Calling.   Your Calling has been handcrafted by Go...

A Deep Discipleship | Awake the Lake | Week 2

4 Preliminary Truths about Discipleship.  Every person is a disciple of someone or something Every person is becoming who they are by who or what disciples them.  In t...

Grace’s Missional Reorientation | Awake the Lake | Week 1

Big Idea: God can resurrect what has been written off.   Four Major Shifts We Are Making at Grace.  A Missional Reorientation.  Changing the Scorecard of “Success”  Ch...

God's Interruptions | Will Bakker

Saying NO to ENVY: Cultivating Contentment | Beneath the Surface | Week 4

Envy = a mingling of a desire for something with the resentment that another is enjoying it and you’re not.   Big Idea: cultivating contentment counteracts the silent ...

Saying NO to GREED: Cultivating Generosity | Beneath the Surface | Week 3

The More Cycle. Greed says I Owe Me. Big Idea: Cultivating generosity counteracts the craftiness of chronic greed. Four Practical ways to Cultivate a Heart of Generosi...

Saying NO to ANGER: Cultivating Forgiveness | Beneath the Surface | Week 2

The Problems with Anger.  You cannot be angry and live the righteous life that God desires.  Anger is a gateway to other toxic emotions.  Anger is self-reinforcing.  A...

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