All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 30 of 124 in total

A Rhythm of Missional Living | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 4

Grace’s mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere.   Big idea: A rhythm of missional living will move your faith from boring ...

A Rhythm of Discipling Relationships | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 3

You are in the disciple-making business.  Big Idea – A rhythm of discipling relationships is the main path to bearing spiritual fruit.   A Disciple-Making Model (2 Tim...

A Rhythm of Prayer | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 2

Big Idea: A rhythm of prayer properly positions you to move through life on God’s agenda.     3 Ways the Lord’s Prayer Postures you to Move Through Life on God’s Agend...

A Rhythm of Scripture Reflection | Ancient Practices for the Modern World | Week 1

Let’s declare 2025 the year that we don’t settle for a mediocre faith!  Big idea: A rhythm of scripture reflection helps you choose a wise life instead of a wicked one...

Tribulation and Second Coming | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 43

Big Idea: A painful path in this life leads to our glorious future in the next.    The Great Tribulation = a time of outpouring of God’s wrath on all the earth that wi...

Signs of the Times | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 42

Big Idea: When the world goes crazy, be ready with the gospel.  Context: Herod’s Temple  Living in the Birth Pains: Watchful (Mark 13:5-8) Withstanding (Mark 13:9, 11-...

Don’t be Fooled by Appearances | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 41

Big Idea: Appearances are deceptive, trade your self-promotion for self-sacrifice.   3 Surprising Lessons from the Story of the Widow’s Mite  Jesus is the ultimate pro...

Is there Marriage in Heaven? | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 39

Big Idea: Jesus will always dig beneath the surface to address the hear issues.3 Realities of an Unhealthy Heart.1. Unhealthy hearts will hinder a clear understanding....

God and Government | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 38

In this thought-provoking message titled 'God or Government,' Derek dives into the nuanced relationship between faith and civic duty. With the backdrop of an impending...

Questioning Jesus' Authority | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 37

Big Idea: Your response to authority reveals what’s deep in your heart.    Background/Context: 1. God is Provider  Mirror moment 2. Provision Comes with Responsibility...

Jesus and the Bills Mafia | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 36

Historical context | Biblical context | Literary context.  1. The Fig Tree #1.   Big Idea: The true test of discipleship is not looking good on the outside; it’s beari...

When He’s Not the King You Thought He Was | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 35

Big Idea: How will you respond when Jesus says, “I’m not the king you thought I was?”   Context on Jerusalem and about Kingdoms.   “The Kingdom of God” = the rule and ...

I Once Was | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 34

Big Idea: Your life depends on seeing Jesus clearly. 4 Ways of Seeing Clearly: See Jesus as Messiah (:47-48) See Jesus as the only Hope (:47-52) See Jesus as the Way (...

The Humility of the Ransomed | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 33

Big idea: As your awareness of Christ’s ransom increases, so does your humility.   Discipleship Failure theme: Ask “What is holding me back from looking more like Jesu...

When Riches Rob You of Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus Way | Week 32

Big idea: What do you need to leave behind in order to follow Christ?   A man and his question (:17).  Jesus and his response (:18-20) A Line-in-the-Sand Challenge (:2...

A Regional Reach | Awake the Lake | Week 4

Big Idea: God has entrusted Grace with great influence, will we be faithful?    3 Choices of Those Who are Faithful Choose urgency over apathy (:16-19)  Choose risk-ta...

A Clear Calling | Awake the Lake | Week 3

Big Idea: God has entrusted you with a unique calling, will you discover it?   Three Unique Truths about Your Unique Calling.   Your Calling has been handcrafted by Go...

A Deep Discipleship | Awake the Lake | Week 2

4 Preliminary Truths about Discipleship.  Every person is a disciple of someone or something Every person is becoming who they are by who or what disciples them.  In t...

Grace’s Missional Reorientation | Awake the Lake | Week 1

Big Idea: God can resurrect what has been written off.   Four Major Shifts We Are Making at Grace.  A Missional Reorientation.  Changing the Scorecard of “Success”  Ch...

God's Interruptions | Will Bakker

Saying NO to ENVY: Cultivating Contentment | Beneath the Surface | Week 4

Envy = a mingling of a desire for something with the resentment that another is enjoying it and you’re not.   Big Idea: cultivating contentment counteracts the silent ...

Saying NO to GREED: Cultivating Generosity | Beneath the Surface | Week 3

The More Cycle. Greed says I Owe Me. Big Idea: Cultivating generosity counteracts the craftiness of chronic greed. Four Practical ways to Cultivate a Heart of Generosi...

Saying NO to ANGER: Cultivating Forgiveness | Beneath the Surface | Week 2

The Problems with Anger.  You cannot be angry and live the righteous life that God desires.  Anger is a gateway to other toxic emotions.  Anger is self-reinforcing.  A...

Saying NO to GUILT: Cultivating Grace | Beneath the Surface | Week 1

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.  Proverbs 4:23  4 Toxic Emotions Guilt - "I owe you."  Anger - "You owe me."  Greed - “I owe me....

Blessing the Children | The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus Way | Week 31

PROBLEM = PARENTS WANT TO BRING THEIR INFANTS.    Components of the Hebrew Blessing: Meaningful touch A spoken word of blessing Attaching high value of worth Picturing...

Marriage and Divorce | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 30

Three Truths about Divorce  1. Christians tend to let other voices overshadow God’s voice when it comes to divorce (:1-2)  2. Divorce is a product of sin (:3-6)  3 pri...

The Gravity of Discipleship | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 29

The Gravity of Discipleship  Big Idea: Discipleship Requires Diligence  Jesus cares about our influence (42) Jesus cares about our integrity (43-48) Jesus cares about ...

Redefining Greatness | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 28

Big Idea: Jesus demonstrates that downward mobility is the path to true greatness.  3 Insights into Jesus’ Radical Redefinition of Greatness.  Jesus doesn’t rebuke a d...

Faith and Failure | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 27

Big Idea: Jesus invites faith, even in our failure.  Jesus and his closest disciples were confronted by a troubling situation immediately after a mountaintop experienc...

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