Why People Abandon Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 49
Big idea: It’s worth it to stick with Jesus
3 Lessons from Gethsemane
- When you lose sight of Jesus’ glory, you’ll start seeking a savior in personal gain.
- When you don’t count the cost of following Jesus, your only options are fight or flight.
- When you lose control in the light, you'll seek control in the shadows.
What do we learn, and how can we live differently based on Jesus’ reaction?
- Staying in communication with God is vital to our spiritual growth and health.
- 1 Peter 5:8-9
- Severe testing has the power to turn hesitant followers into dynamic leaders
- James 1:1-4
- There is a cost associated to both sticking with and abandoning Jesus
Next Step: Examine your heart