Why People Abandon Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 49

Big idea: It’s worth it to stick with Jesus   
3 Lessons from Gethsemane 
  1. When you lose sight of Jesus’ glory, you’ll start seeking a savior in personal gain. 
  2. When you don’t count the cost of following Jesus, your only options are fight or flight. 
  3. When you lose control in the light, you'll seek control in the shadows. 
What do we learn, and how can we live differently based on Jesus’ reaction? 
  1. Staying in communication with God is vital to our spiritual growth and health. 
  2. 1 Peter 5:8-9 
  3. Severe testing has the power to turn hesitant followers into dynamic leaders 
  4. James 1:1-4 
  5. There is a cost associated to both sticking with and abandoning Jesus 
Next Step: Examine your heart 
Why People Abandon Jesus | The Gospel of Mark: The End is Just the Beginning | Week 49
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