A Clear Calling | Awake the Lake | Week 3

Big Idea: God has entrusted you with a unique calling, will you discover it?  
Three Unique Truths about Your Unique Calling.  
  1. Your Calling has been handcrafted by God (:4-5)  
  2. Your Calling will be accompanied by doubts (:6-8)  
Four Excuses when it Comes to Calling 
  • The “Jungles of Africa” excuse  
  • The “I don’t have anything to offer” excuse  
  • The “I’m too busy” excuse  
  • The “I’m already using all my gifts” excuse  
 3. Your calling is your reason for being alive (:9-10)  
5 missional arenas 
1. your neighborhood 
2. the marketplace 
3. the church 
4. a non-profit 
5. an affinity group 
Next Step:  
Ask, “what is holding me back from discovering or stepping into my calling?”  
Visit www.whoisgrace.com/read for more series resources 
A Clear Calling | Awake the Lake | Week 3
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