A Deep Discipleship | Awake the Lake | Week 2
4 Preliminary Truths about Discipleship.
- Every person is a disciple of someone or something
- Every person is becoming who they are by who or what disciples them.
- In the New Testament the word “Christian” is used 3x, the word “Disciple” is used 260x.
- Discipleship is more caught than taught because it’s primarily relational.
Big idea: God has a disciple-making journey for you to walk. Will you take the next step?
Original Discipleship Handoff
Command #1 - Make Disciples
- "As you are going."
- "Baptizing."
- “Teaching them to obey”
Command #2 - Be sure of this, I am with you always!
Changing the Scorecard: A Deep Discipleship.
What is a disciple?
An apprentice of Jesus who imitates his ways and then makes more disciples.
What is Grace’s Dream Disciple?
- Compassionate Storyteller
- Savvy Follower
- Intentional Friend
- Embedded Influencer
What is Disciple Making?
Consistently helping someone take their next step toward becoming like Jesus.
The Progression toward a Disciple-Maker
Step 1 – SEEKER - ‘come and see.’
Step 2 – BELIEVER – ‘follow me.’
Step 3 – WORKER - ‘follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’
Step 4 – DISCIPLE-MAKERS - ‘go and bear fruit.’
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