Fully God and Fully Man | Deconstructing Jesus | Week 01
Week 1 in our Deconstructing Jesus series.
Christology = the study of the person and work of Jesus.
Deconstruction = critiquing deeply held beliefs of one’s faith.
Big Idea: Jesus is fully God and fully man in order for your salvation to be complete.
- Jesus is Fully God.
Divine claims.
- Jesus pre-existed creation as God
- I AM statements in John.
- Equality with God.
Divine Demonstrations.
- Omnipotence - all-powerful.
- Omniscience - all-knowing.
- Omnipresence – not bound by time or space.
- Immortality - the inability to die
- Jesus is Fully Man.
The Virgin birth
Human attributes
- A human body.
- A human mind.
- Human emotions
- People saw his humanity
- BUT he was sinlessness.
Two Big Questions
- How can someone live with two natures in one person – Hypostatic Union
- Why is this important?
if Jesus is God and God alone, then you have no salvation. If Jesus is man and man alone, then you have no salvation. You and I only have salvation if he is both God and man.
- Some of you are too distant with Jesus: Consider his humanity
- Some of you are too cozy with Jesus: Consider his divinity.
Both should lead us to WORSHIP Him.