Grace’s Missional Reorientation | Awake the Lake | Week 1
Big Idea: God can resurrect what has been written off.
Four Major Shifts We Are Making at Grace.
- A Missional Reorientation.
- Changing the Scorecard of “Success”
- Changing the Finish Line for discipleship.
- Creating an all-play, everyday mission statement.
Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere.
The Path of Hope When you Feel Written-Off (Ez. 37:1-14)
- The path forward starts with a realistic picture of WHAT IS (:1-3)
- The path forward maintains a resolute faith in what God CAN DO. (:4-13)
- The path forward involves finding yourself in God’s story (:14)
- 3 basic things we receive from God: 1. His Spirit, 2. Life itself, and 3. Our place.
- 3 things we must know, 1. He is the Lord, 2. He has spoken, 3. He will do it.
Next Step:
What has been written off in your life that God needs to resurrect?
Pray for our church.
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