Intentional Friend | Future Church | Week 4

Mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day everywhere. 

Dream Disciple 
  1. Compassionate Storyteller
  2. Savvy Follower
  3. Intentional Friend
  4. Embedded Influencer. 

Big Idea – As an intentional friend, I will build healthy relationships and help God restore broken ones.

Why friendship is so important.
  1. You were made for friendships (John 15:9-15)
  2. Friendships are a vehicle for mission (John 15:16-17)

Discipleship is consistently helping someone take their next steps toward Jesus. 

Next Steps: 
Intentional Friend Discipleship Questions: 
Who in my life needs me the most during this season and what’s my next step? 
Where do I need to lean into a relationship that has become distant or broken?

My Mission Field Tool  
Family | Neighbors | Work | Hobbies | Church | School | Community | Other

God, who do you want to be investing in during this season? 

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Intentional Friend | Future Church | Week 4
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