Jesus and the Bills Mafia | The Gospel of Mark: The King’s Narrow Path | Week 36
Historical context | Biblical context | Literary context.
1. The Fig Tree #1.
Big Idea: The true test of discipleship is not looking good on the outside; it’s bearing spiritual fruit.
2. The Temple.
Commerce in the court of the gentiles.
- temple tax.
- animal offerings
- money changers.
3. The Fig Tree #2.
Three Lessons from Jesus’ Bills Mafia Moment
1. Sometimes it’s OK to get angry.
- Unrighteous anger vs. Righteous anger.
- Does this grieve the heart of God or is this mostly about me?
2. God expects his people to bear fruit.
What is the fruit?
- Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:5-8.
- love | self-control| joy | peace | patience | kindness | goodness |faithfulness |
gentleness | virtue | knowledge | steadfastness | godliness | brotherly affection
3. The presence of God resides in a person not a place. (:22-25).
Next Step: Prayer of Confession and Repentance.
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