Marriage and Divorce | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 30

Three Truths about Divorce 
1. Christians tend to let other voices overshadow God’s voice when it comes to divorce (:1-2)  
2. Divorce is a product of sin (:3-6) 
3 primary marriage promises from Exodus 20:  
- Fidelity.  
- Provision.  
- Conjugal Love.  
5 legitimate reasons for ending a marriage:  
  1. Death (1 Cor 7:39; Rom 7:2-4).  
  2. Adultery (Dt. 22:22; Mt 5:32).  
  3. Sexual Immorality (Dt. 24, Mt. 5:21, Mt. 19:9).  
  4. Betrayal by an unbelieving spouse (1 Cor. 7).  
  5. Treasonous breach of covenant vows (Ex 21; Mal. 2:14-16).  
3. You can’t un-one what God has made one (:7-10)  
Next Step: 
Pray 3 Prayers  
  1. Jesus, I Believe You  
  2. Jesus, I resolve to do marriage Your way.  
  3. Jesus, I need your grace  
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Marriage and Divorce | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 30
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