Savvy Follower | Future Church | Week 3

Dream disciple. 
  • Compassionate Storyteller
  • Savvy Follower
  • Intentional Friend
  • Embedded Influencer. 

Big idea: 
As a Savvy Follower I will discern God’s voice and follow his lead at the right time in the right way.

Savvy= wise, thoughtful, sensible. 

Spiritually savvy = having the perspective of God on the inside and then allowing it to shape what happens through you on the outside. 

3 Declarations of a Savvy Follower. 
  1. I will be shrewd but with integrity (Mt. 10:16).
  2. I will only move when God moves (Numbers 9:15-23).
  3. I will tune in to the Spirit’s voice (John 16:12-14) 

The Beginner’s Guide to Hearing God’s Voice at  

Next Step:

Two discipleship questions for the Savvy Follower
  1. What has God spoken to me through His word this week and what am I doing about it?  
  2. What decision am I facing right now that requires God’s unique perspective and how will I seek it?

Find Your Chair Tool. 
Savvy Follower | Future Church | Week 3
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